Tuesday 6 October 2015

Nephilim Gaint in Japanese Old appears in Video

The appellate Nephilim ( in Hebrew הנּפלים ) , present in the Old Testament ( Torah ) , and in several books not canons of Judaism and Christians in ancient writings , Refers to a people created by crossing the "children of God " ( benei elohim בני האלהים ) and the " daughters of men " in the Bible is the word Nephilim Often translated as giants or titans , while in other translations it is preferred to maintain the term Nephilim . Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Daniken have written books Claiming That the Glint -eye are our ancestors and That we were created ( with genetic engineering ) from an alien race ( for the Sumerians the Annunaki , ufology contemporary Nordic or the Inhabitants of Nibiru ) . The origin of Glint -eye begins with a history of fallen angels .

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