Sunday 1 November 2015

NASA: Project of warp drive - NASA: Draft warp drive

According to the theory of physical Alcubierre, you could create a warp bubble by applying negative energy, or energy created in a vacuum. This process is based on the Casimir effect, Which states in That depression is not actually a vacuum, However, the vacuum is actually full of fluctuating electromagnetic waves. These waves Distorting Creates negative energy, Which could distort space - time, creating a warp bubble. To see if there Has Been in the distortion of space-time, it was assumed a laboratory experiment, researchers Should use two highly precise laser: one through the empty space and one regular. Should researchers then Appears the two beams, if the wavelength of the One That goes through the void is elongated, ie it is shifted towards the red, they will know who has gone through a warp bubble.

A team Has Been at work for a couple of months, but have yet to get a satisfactory reading. The problem Is that the field of negative energy is so small, That even the smallest movement of the seismic earth could distort the results. The experiment is being tried in a campus building, Johnson Space Center, Which Was originally built for the Apollo space program.

"The laboratory is seismically isolated," said White in TechNewsDaily.
White is working to re-calibrate the laser to the new location. He would not speculate on When his team could expect from the Closing Date, nor how long it might be ready engines are portable take advantage of this phenomenon, but remains convinced That it is only a matter of time. "The speech Bottom Line Is that still can do it, "said White. "So the main question is, can we? '"


  1. A warp bubble? I've often wondered if warp speed had to due with passing through layers of distorted energy fields and/or waves from connecting of now, we have white holes spitting out, while black holes engulf, this leads me to believe we have certain endless loops and maybe layers which can be pushed or punched through to a different plain, or use as a push off...kind of like skipping a rock on the water, but using the ripples, one after another to propell to a time and/or place.

  2. A warp bubble? I've often wondered if warp speed had to due with passing through layers of distorted energy fields and/or waves from connecting of now, we have white holes spitting out, while black holes engulf, this leads me to believe we have certain endless loops and maybe layers which can be pushed or punched through to a different plain, or use as a push off...kind of like skipping a rock on the water, but using the ripples, one after another to propell to a time and/or place.
